and here i am now, sitting in front of it and typing some blog ....
and i have come to see that on all the activities i been going on
it seems like i never put real dedication or effort in it
at least that what i think of myself
the thing that wasted most of my time would be facebooking checking on "others" peoples update apart from the ones i care.
it seems like some word that some peoples once said
Exercise is not only what we assume,
Exercise is about Discipline
the Determination to control who're we becoming
in others eyes, it make seems like a routine for them
but in other peoples, it is a kind of practice that train ones discipline

above pic is kinda i uploaded for a friend of mines
it would be awkward if i must be the one to tell she in person
if something was meant for a way
it should go the same way it does
even if it did not
please do not be sad
it just because you haven't met the right one
at least do your best to retain
if it really did not works after you tried
don't be sorry , and don't ever look bad
Maybe i am in no position to said such things as i has been single all this times
and this might just the same reason as the photo quote
the one whom love and care for you would know how to love & care the way you needed
not the way he intended to even though the intention was good initially.
*** by the way, the photo wan cropped down from my favourite drama which it seem boring to many people i know, maybe because it's very truthful ?
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